Thursday 29 November 2012

Costumes & Props

Costume List & Props 

·   Army Uniform ( plus berrit) 
We need an army uniform so the
 Audience can grasp the fact he was once in the armed forces. 


  Normal/Scruffy Clothes to show how the father doesn’t treat the daughter right, e.g. not giving her clean clothes

·   Cage

We need a cage as it will show the audience that the ‘girl’ lives no ordinary life.

We need a mirror as it will be showing the reflection of Sam’s face.

We need a blanket and a pillow to show that the daughter sleeps in the cage.

·   We need a radio to show the normalize of everyday life and what he does in his free time.

·   We need a couch to show how lazy the father is and also to make the living room look more realistic.

We need dog food to show how badly the father treats the daughter, by feeding her dog food instead of human food.

Beer can to show the audience what the father does every day

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